
    -  The ancient  at the The medieval town

    -  Sabina Sagra and Profana

    -  Main artistic and cultural attractions

    Caprignano and l'Ecole Française de Rome



(o Castrum Capriniani)

Castle Caprignano was placed on the hill rocky (400 meters above sea level) before Aspra, which is separated by a deep chasm called "Conca of shame". The remains of the fortified village are still visible today if the walls facing towards Via dei Rivellini. Lacking news relating to its origin, dating back approximately half between the ages X and XI. Del "Castrum Capriniani" speak the parchments of Aspra for the first time in 1172 in an act of sale where, as a reference to the border, there is mention of a "domino silva communis et de Caprignano et de Castle Donnuccio" Then again, in 1183 and in 1273. The construction, originally wooden Corsican became in its evolution masonry and fortified. In the eighties the campaign of excavations, organized dall'Ecole Française in Rome, reported to light the main structures and helped recover numerous items, pottery, glass, coins, iron objects which have provided important information on the material culture of the small Castrum.

The castle was abandoned in the early fourteenth century, following its destruction accomplished by Aspresi after the dispute with Cardinal John Boccamazza, protected by Pope Boniface VIII, who in 1298 had bought a large part of housing threatening the survival and independence the nearby Aspra. In December 1304 a wide range of Fanti and armed knights went near the castle and demolirono the tower, buildings, walls, houses and "fortellitas" and burned. The fate of the inhabitants, in the documents, non vien disclosed. Almost certainly they abandoned their Castrum home and became community members Aspra.

Currently, the hill of Caprignano is property of ASPRA (Association for Historic Archaeological Research) founded by George Perrini.

L'Ecole Française de Rome has made excavation on the hill Caprignano. The lawyer Perrini has kindly made available is the place that economic commitments.
More campaigns excavation have enabled the EFR to produce extensive documentation (for now only in French) also found at his large library.


Caprignano (Community of Casperia, prov. Rieti) BOUGARD-HUBERT-NOYE ', "Mélanges Française de l'Ecole de Rome. Ages Moyen-Temps Modernes, 98 (1986), pp. 1186-1194.
Du village because au Castrum: le site de Caprignano en Sabine BOUGARD HUBERT-NOYE ', in AA.VV, Structures habitats et de l'occupation du sol dans les pays méditerranéens. Les méthodes et l'contracting the extensive archeology, Paris, 1984, pp. 443-463
Caprignano (Casperia prov. Rieti) G. NOYE ', "Mélanges Française de l'Ecole de Rome.
Ages Moyen-Temps Modernes, 96 (1984), pp. 958-972.  


Some photos made during excavation and kindly made available dall'EFR